My favourite little book

I traveled through the USA in 2003 and have bought this cool little book full of interesting proverbs and sayings at Farmers Market in Los Angeles. It is titled 8,789 Words of Wisdom by Barbara Ann Kipfer.

I have copied some of my favourites sayings below but this is a great little book and a perfect little present.

"You cannot have enough ideas"

"Any plan that cannot be delayed is a bad one"

"Everyday is a clean slate"

"Know more about yourself than other people know about you"

"Feel free to change your mind"

"Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects"

"Nature knows her business better than we do"

"To make enemies, talk to make friends, listen"

"It is easier to make friends than it is to keep them"

"It is ok to feel sorry for yourself - for five minutes"

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