
I have been reading positive and uplifting books as well as watching interesting and inspiring programmes all in order to get my life to a calmer point where I feel calmer, healthier and happier.

I found it really encouraging reading following books:

Everyday Grace - Marianne Williamson

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder - Arianna Huffington

 The Power is within you - Louise Hay who also has amazing daily affirmations that I always find inspiring!

And watching Super Soul Sunday programmes - "A winner of multiple awards, "Super Soul Sunday" is the daytime series that delivers a timely, thought-provoking, eye-opening and inspiring block of programming designed to help viewers awaken to their best selves and discover a deeper connection to the world around them."

...and also The Secret, if you haven't seen it you've got to!

I've learnt that:

  • I need to love myself in order to love others
  • Life is full of miracles if we allow them to happen
  • We should stop focusing on specific moments that are negative (these little nasty moments can cause pain, fear and anger that are difficult to get rid off!) and focus instead on little but positive things
  • Being active and healthy (and sleeping enough) will have a great impact on my relationships, happiness and productivity
  • Focusing on positive will attract positive, if I focus on negative things that's what will reflect in my life
I now do this:
  • walk every morning and meditate before I go to work (I also try and walk  every evening but it doesn't always happen)
  • organise walks with girlfriends rather than meet for cake and coffee
  • focus on positive things and think about future in happy, healthy and positive way (trying to let go of negativity and worry)
  • write in my "gratitude journal" where I write 10 things I am grateful for every day
  • eat more raw foods (I make raw bars all the time)

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