My 2013 List

This year started so well and then I got sick again! for like the third time in the last month! I am changing my diet and am trying to drink only one coffee a day which is very, very hard!

Last year I made a list of things I wanted to do so I am going to continue and will have a 2013 list as well. 

Here is the list of things I want to achieve/see in 2013 in no particular order!

  1. Have Afternoon tea in Ritz
  2. Go to a vegan restaurant
  3. Visit Istanbul
  4. Learn to meditate
  5. Read more, watch less tv 
  6. Learn to knit
  7. Get fit (this should be my number 1)
  8. Transfer all CDs to my iTunes
  9. Discover 5 new restaurants/pubs
  10. Go surfing (learn how to, I guess one lesson in Australia 10 years ago doesn't count!)

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